Don't miss the Top 5 Events in Zagreb in October 2019. Check our recommendation, visit the best events and enjoy your holiday with CityPal.
Top 5 Events in Zagreb in October 2019.
Don't miss our Top 5 Events in Zagreb from 10/10/2019. to 26/10/2019.
1. Zagreb TourFilm Festival
Where?Kaptol Boutique Cinema, hall 4 When?10. October, 2019; 17:00-19:00 Enjoy free movie watching at Kaptol Boutique Cinema with International Tourism Film Festival. This international film festival lasts in overall from 9th to 12th October. The general purpose is to reward films and audiovisual productions that promote tourism in following aspects: tourist destination, sports, hotels and resorts, people, culture and tradition, religious tourism, events, fairs and congress. They want to educate and motivate the employees of the tourist industry in promoting particular destinations the right way.ZAGREB TOURFILM FESTIVAL is a member of CIFFT – Comité International des Festivals du Film Touristique.
2. Tough Mudder 5K Urban
Where?Lake Bundek, Zagreb When? From 11. October to 12. October, 2019. Tough Mudder 5K Urban is a non-competitive challenge. It has more than 10 the most exciting barriers adjusted to everyone. But, this is not a race - this is a team challenge that converts running into team sport. What is so interesting? Well, most of the obstacles you can't win alone, so you will need someone to help you. And that is the aim of Tough Mudder - helping each other in order to reach the goal and create beautiful memories. Sign up here and learn something new!
3. The Chemical Brothers
Where?Dom sportova, Trg sportova 11 When?12. October, 2019. The Chemical Brothers, the most famous duo in electronic music is coming to Zagreb for the first time. For more than 20 years they are defining electronic music scene. Their performance is not only a DJ set. It is a complete audio and video event from their own production. This is a unique experience! You can buy the tickets here.
4. 28th Zagreb Marathon
Where?Ban Jelačić Square When?13. October, 2019. If you are a marathon fan, don't miss this event in the heart of Zagreb City. You can participate or just watch. Find all the information you need hereand have fun! Don't forget: One run can change your day, but many runs can change your life!
5. Evening with Bruce Dickinson
Where?Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog, Trg Stjepana Radića 4 When?26. October, 2019. The legendary frontman of Iron Maiden is coming to Zagreb. This interactive evening follows up the recent release of autobiographyWhat Does This Button Do?He is one of the most famous musicians in the world with an interesting life story. Also, he is a pilot, motivational speaker, novelist, bestseller author, TV actor, superstar and much more! In the first part of the evening he will speak about his life and about all his ups and downs in the very intimate atmosphere. In the second part you can ask him questions and lead a conversation. Don't miss this unique opportunity to spend some time with a true legend!