Top 10 places in Zagreb for kids

Top 10 places in Zagreb for kids

Where to go with children in Zagreb. Top 10 places in Zagreb for kids

Top 10 places in Zagreb for kids

1. Take a 64 seconds ride with the shortest funicular railway in the world

This 66 metre long funicular that connects Downtown (Tomićeva street) with Upper Town (Lotrščak tower) is the oldest public transportation in Zagreb, and kids are loving it from 1890. It is the shortest and the safest railway / public transportation in the world becauselast year (2015) Zagreb funicular celebrated the 125th anniversary without any accidents. Funicular isdeparting in every ten minutes with maximum capacity of 28 passengers. If you fail to take panoramic photo during the short ride do not panic, from the upper stationyou can get afantastic view.

Zagreb for kids
Where: Zagreb Funicular, Tomićeva street/Lotrščak tower When: every day from 06:30h-22:00h Tickets: 4kn (0.50€), emergency ride 20kn (3€) You can find more informationhere

2. Pose behind the big scale model of city in bronze

It is located in open area between main Ban Jelačić square and Kaptol so you can't miss it on the way up to the Zagreb Cathedral. Almost 4 metre long and wide, scale model of the city (like big Lego model in bronze) by the name "Zagreb welcomes you" isrepresenting 2.64 kilometers large urban areawhichdisplays most of historic sightsand tourist attractions in Zagreb. If your kids love city scale models like this we recommend you to visit Zagreb City Museum (Opatička 20)!

Zagreb for kids
Where: "Zagreb welcomes you" scale model, Bakaćeva 1 When: every day 0h-24h Tickets: free You can find more information on

3. See the largest model ofrailway in this part of Europe

Backo Mini Express is 75m² large model of railway which is spreading on 8 levels, 1050m of tracks with 120 trains and 260 railroad switches, 4 bridges, 20 tunnels and 100 traffic lights. This model of railway also contains 800 figurines, 1600 trees, 90 houses and various effects - daytime and nighttime mode, driving through the rain, thunders and lightnings. This railway model also consists lots of details like broken cars, phone cabins, people in front of the church, firefighters, carriage ect...So, Backo Mini Express is the ultimate experience for children and Peter Pan syndrome parents in Zagreb! Choo-Choo!!!

Zagreb for kids


Where:Backo Mini Express, Gundulićeva 4 When: fri and sat from 10:00h - 18:00h Tickets: adults 15kn (2€), children 10kn (1,50€) You can find more information on

4. Catch a free ride with little blue tourist train

Every weekend from 10am to 19:20pm you can catch a free ride with a little tourist train from Ban Jelačić square. Train runs in every 40 minutes from Zagreb main square through Ilica street (the main artery of the city) and Frankopanska street, and then turns to Masarykova street nearbyCroatian National Theater. From there it is going through Praška and Jurišićeva street, passes by a large post office building andStock Market and then returns back to main city square. It is a great chance to rest your feet and put a smile on your kids faces!

Zagreb for kids
Where: Tourist train, from/to Ban jelačić square When: sat and sun from 10:00h - 19:20h Tickets: free (but you must be fast) You can find more information on

5. Learn aboutscary Zagreb mummy

Zagreb mummy - famous relic from permanent Egyptian collection in Archeological museum is Nesi-hensu - a wife of Paher-hensu who was well known tailor from Thebes. The Egyptian mummy is wrapped in linen bandages with text in Etruscan language well known as Zagreb Linen Book - the world longest surviving manuscript in Etruscan language. Enigmatic mummy dates from year 390 BC and by strange historical roads its journeyends in Zagreb. Only for brave kids! Don’t close your eyes! 

Zagreb for kids
Where: Archeological museum, Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 19 When: tue, wed,fri, sat from 10:00h - 18:00h, thu 10:00h - 20:00h, sun 10:00h - 13:00h Tickets: adults 20kn (3€), children 10kn (1,50€), family ticket 30kn (4€) You can find more information on

6. Experience the impossible and explore the Museum of illusions

Thisnew museum became an instant hit in town, immediately after its opening. Located in Ilica street, near British square, theMuseum of Illusions is a perfect place for new experiences and fun for your children! In Ames room, perfect for funny photos, in one corner you are a giant and in the other - a dwarf. Anti-gravity room feels like you are on few beers. Rotated room, Infinity room with mirrors, optical illusions and holograms will challenge your mind! Photos from this unique museum will be total show when you come home!

Zagreb for kids
Where: Museum of illusions, Ilica 72 When: mon-sun 09:00h - 22:00h Tickets: adults 40kn (5€), children 25kn (3,50€), family ticket 100kn (13€) You can find more informations on muzejiluzija

7. Peek into submarine, airplanes, Tesla laboratory, planetarium and mine at Technical museum

Few blocks south from the Croatia National Theatre is located Zagreb Technical museum Nikola Tesla. Dedicated to the scientific and engineering genius Nikola Tesla, museum has fun and educational Tesla demonstration laboatory. Like Dexter's! Real submarine, airplanes, trams and cars will astonish kids and prepare them for starry sky in thePlanetarium. Special attraction of the museum is 350 meter long model of mine below the museum. Science is fun so dive into it in Croatia, Nikola Tesla native country!

Zagreb for kids
Where: Technical museum, Savska cesta 18 When: tue-fri 9:00h - 17:00h Guided tours: mine 15:00h, Tesla 15:30h, planetarium 16:00h sat/sun 09.00h - 13:00h Guided tours: mine 11:00h, Tesla 11:30h, planetarium 12:00h Tickets: 20kn (3€),planetaruim + 15kn (2€) You can find more informations on

8. Hang out with snow leopard, red panda, chimpanzee, lion or meerkat at Zagreb Zoo

In eastern part of the city (from Ban Jelačić square catch 11 or 12 tram heading to Dubec or Dubrava, and exit Bukovačka) and across the Maksimir stadium within beautiful Maksimir park there is Zagreb Zoo. Seven hectare wide area is home for around 275 animal species. Recently reconstructed Zagreb Zoo is great place for family half-day fun. You can even adopt animals! Find out how and don't miss to cruise around spectacular Maksimir park with 5 lakes with marked paths and playgrounds.

Zagreb for kids
Where: Zoo Zagreb, Maksimirski perivoj bb When: every day 09.00 - until the end of day light (seasonal opening and closing times changes at the beginning of each month). Ticket office closes 60min before the closing time and 90 min before the closing in summer months. Tickets: adults 30kn (4€), children 20kn (3€) You can find more informations zagreb-zoo

9. March and follow infantry and calvary rank in ceremony „Changing of the guard“

Dressed as Croatian regiment of Royal Cravattes, 17 soldiers take part in the ceremony through Upper and Downtown. In game of dividing and merging, infantry and calvary soldiers are marching through the city and make achange of the guard at St' Mark's square, Ban Jelačić square and at the statue of Our Lady at Kaptol. Find them on the Zagreb streets and march with armorer, trumpeter, drummer, standard-bearer and commander. And salute them! They don't give high five!

Zagreb for kids
Where: Changing of the guard, Upper Town and Downtown When: from 28.03 to late october – every sat and sun, 31.05. 18.10., 01.01., 11:40h - 14:20h In case of bad weather the ceremony will not be held. Tickets: free You can find more informations on

10. MiniPolis

MiniPolis is a fun city where kids, along with their parents and teachers, explore over 50 professions in 40 miniature houses across 2,000 square meters. It's like a mini-world with an airport, fire station, store, and more. The airport is super exciting, with real uniforms from Croatia Airlines and parts of a real plane.

MiniPolis airport
The shop on the main square is a big hit, and the tram, in its distinctive blue color, is a favorite too. Outside, there's a cool mini go-kart track with electric karts for kids (and parents!) to enjoy. You can relax at MiniPolis Café while your kids play. It's a great place for families to have fun and make special memories together, especially on sunny days on the outdoor terrace. Where: Ljubljanska avenija 2b (Z centar), Zagreb When: Mon-Thu 15:00-20:00, Fri 12:00-20:00, Sun 10:00-20:00 Tickets: Child (2 hours): €17, additional parent (2 hours): €8, 3rd+ child (2 hours): €11 You can find more information here.

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