Welcome to the Pula Aquarium ! Where in a unique way, the richness of the Adriatic sea is combined with the centennial military history of the city! It is inhabited by hundreds of fish species from the northern and southern areas of the Adriatic Sea!
What to expect
Hundreds of fish species from the northern and southern areas of the Adriatic Sea!
Welcome to the Pula Aquarium! Where is in the unique way, the richness of the Adriatic sea combined with the centennial military history of the city of Pula. Situated within the 130-year-old fort of “Verudela”, this aquarium is located in the part of the powerful defence complex “Fortress Pula” and built during the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy. This historical fort is nowadays inhabited by hundreds of fish species from the northern and southern areas of the Adriatic Sea with several tropic and fresh water species, as well with fishes from Croatian lakes and rivers!
The Pula Aquarium is persistently working in benefit of marine life conservation! It has initiated a number of original projects! Like the protection of endangered Adriatic species, the Sea turtle rehabilitation centre as well as a range of educational activities and workshops via the oceanography programme of “Plava škola” (Blue School). The Pula Aquarium also has an exclusive offer to the domestic and foreign school groups and individual visitors!