Dentist dr. Zlatko Ćatović Pula has best center for dental implantology and prosthodontic in Pula. Dentist dr. Zlatko Ćatović Pula fix your teeth by 40-50% lower prices in comparison with other European countries.
What to expect
Denist will fix your teeth by 40-50% lower prices in comparison with other European countries.
Dentist dr. Zlatko Ćatović Pula
Best center for dental implantology and prosthodontic at Dentist dr. Zlatko Ćatović PulaPula
Use your vacation in Pula to fix your teeth by 40-50% lower prices in comparisom with other European countries. What can you expect? Dentist dr. Zlatko Ćatović Pula is doctor with top-quality equipment and 4 doctors of stomatology and their assistants. Pleas note that the first check-up and diagnostics are free of charge. Regular check-ups every 6 to 12 months are also free. What kind of dental service you will get there? ORAL SURGERY (implants, sinus ifting, bone enhancement, apicoectomy, cystectomy, alveolectomy) and PROSTHODONTICS (fixed, mobile, conservative dentistry, endodontics, paradontology, esthetic dentestry, radiography). Center for dental implantology and prosthodontic Pula is located near Arena Pula so it is easy to find. Make your reservation on time and have best dental care on your vacation! VisitDentist dr. Zlatko Ćatović Pula and lift up your look and oral health!