Tastes of the Adriatic Sea (Fish and sea food)

Tastes of the Adriatic Sea (Fish and sea food)

Tastes of the Adriatic Sea the main protagonist is the Adriatic Sea, so the species shouldn't cover the flavors of the fish.

Tastes of the Adriatic Sea (Fish and seafood)

A vacation on the Adriatic Sea implies at least one dinner in a fish restaurant where you´ll enjoy in the tastes of the Adriatic Sea. We present you an elegant and light fish plate that allows you to try different types of fish such as marinated anchovies and sardines, traditionally prepared Bakalar (cod), octopus salad, sea bream paté, and other delicacies depending on the chef's choice. The main protagonist is the seafood, so the species shouldn't cover the flavors of the fish. The point is to use only basic ingredients such as salt, pepper, olive oil, and lemon (optional parsley). We have one good rule in the kitchen, and that is that less is more. Let us introduce you to an easy recipe for marinated sardines.

tastes of the Adriatic Sea

Recipe for preparation: Tastes of the Adriatic Sea - marinated Sardinas


  • anchovies
  • sardines
  • cod
  • octopus
  • sea bream
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil
  • lemon
  • parsley
  • optional garlic


Suppose you buy fresh sardines at the market, you'll need to clean them from the entrails, wash them, let them drain, and put them on a kitchen towel. Once dried, start with seasoning.

tastes of the Adriatic Sea
To marinate sardines, put the fish in a bowl with salt, pepper, optional rosemary, and lemon, the key ingredient. Put the bowl in the fridge for at least 40 minutes. This marinating technique will practically cook the fish so it won't remain raw. That's all. Choose a nice plate, place the sardines, and add a drizzle of oil. No need to add more flavors to it. Sardines are perfect just the way they are. 

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